alice pasquini | zynderia studios

once italian artist alice pasquini’s feet kissed la terrain, she hit the ground running, leaving a trail of colorful art in her wake. her efforts culminated with a female portrait on the back wall of zynderia studios, a soft piece that packs a punch. pasquini is one of the few artists capable of producing powerful murals no matter the subject matter, a gift granted from beyond the realms of human reasoning and logic, one that allows an artist to imbue any given surface with sparks of soul.

this is pasquini's second mural on the west coast (the first erected in the Gabba gallery alley mere days before zynderia), and her first stop before continuing on to San Francisco. pasquini is not new to the street art sphere, with 15 years experience and over 100 murals dotting every continent but Antarctica. 

zynderia studios is a production services company used for filming, but the work is accessible by the public during the day (so long as the location is not in use).

zynderia studios is located at 1741 naud street Los Angeles, ca 90012. 

related links: vanity fair, art tribune, my modern met


fin dac | nabi sonyeo

internationally renowned street artist fin dac flew to la to execute nabi sonyeo in koreatown. the three paneled mural was erected over the course of two weeks, covered in netting, and mounted with cutout butterflies—made to simulate the butterflies fluttering in the breeze. each panel featured a different model, two of which were outfitted with traditional korean clothing and one with modern streetwear. the up-and-coming brett crawford (aka startvault) was the right hand man and assistant throughout the process, as the two battled the fierce summer heat. 

nabi sonyeo is yet another of fin dad’s hidden beauties, located on an undisclosed street in koreatown. the work was done for urban offerings and the building is slated to become a creative office space.

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