facaro | connect 32

los angeles, california

Facaro's social and political consciousness is reflected in the salvaged bicycle chain chandeliers from the 'CONNECT' series of lighting sculptures.

One (wo)man’s trash IS another (wo)man’s treasure. The idea to repurpose discarded bicycle parts was first conceived when Facaro was living in a punk house collective in Colorado. A few of her friends ran a free, volunteer run, DIY bike shop, and were always having bike parts donated. There were so many parts, that, often times, they didn’t know what to do with the excess. Facaro decided to make something out of them. 

And so a chandelier was born. A traditional symbol for wealth and opulence, bicycle chains are repurposed for its creation to represent the the reclamation of regency and power through the use of discarded and disposable. 

This approach transcends function and demonstrates the third phase in the life of an object. The first phase: it’s original reason for existence. The second: the disposal once it no longer serves its original purpose. The third: becoming something new altogether. This thought process allows the object in question to become limitless; to have a life beyond its original intentions. 

Facaro feels we have a responsibility to each other, the Earth, and to future generations to think about our impact. She hopes her use of recycled materials will encourage others to approach the world through a lens of malleability and dynamism in the sense that anything’s possible. 

This video, produced by COlabs, highlights CONNECT 32, which measures 6 ft height x 3 ft diameter and was commissioned by Hotel V in Amsterdam, Holland. Her work was recently featured on display during Dwell on Design at the LA Convention Center. 

Related Links: The Washington PostSanta Fe New Mexican


process | connect 32